Secret castle

by DustCreep
created Feb 10, 2016
510 views | 3750 downloads

/ 25 votes

/ 6 votes

map notes
Nothing great, just a little something so you don’t forget me ^^.
Some colorful fantasy castle garden ruins thingy, idk, I’d say it’s the usual.
Only a few places offer some different strats, that’s just how the route turned out this time, sorry.


said Feb 10, 2016
not bad
said Feb 10, 2016
said Feb 10, 2016
Start is a little laggy for me, but otherwise, pretty fun. Not sure I did the route right, but I guess it's pretty freeform.
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 12, 2016
I don't know what it is about the layout, but I was really put off from trying to figure out how anything was supposed to work here.  A rare miss from DustCreep, or maybe I just don't like puzzles enough.
said Feb 12, 2016
Lightningy and probably some others feel the same way I guess, my map description is a bit inaccurate then, haha.
Shin Rekkoha
said Feb 13, 2016
Still looks great though.
said Feb 13, 2016
Thank you based DustCreep, this was gorgeous.
said Feb 13, 2016
You're welcome as always. Believe it or not, the visuals were originally inspired by one of your pictures (the one with yellow trees and mountains). Over time it turned into something completely different though, which happens quite often.
But the first spark came from you, so thanks :)
said Feb 13, 2016
Oh wow, I'm flattered. Thanks very much :) I always find your map work really inspirational.
said Feb 6, 2017
Huh. Might be my new favorite map.

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