
by Brilhante
created Dec 3, 2014
408 views | 675 downloads

/ 15 votes

/ 7 votes


said Dec 3, 2014
excuse to and inadvertently I put the checkpoint in place advise if you have any errors.
said Dec 3, 2014
Error: I load into the map, and I can't see shit
said Dec 3, 2014
n know how to fix it.
said Dec 3, 2014
if anyone knew how to resolve this error.
Please comment
said Dec 3, 2014
Has anyone really been far even as decided to use even go want to do look more like?
said Dec 3, 2014
I don't anyone tried look more like even but go as deciding but who?
said Dec 3, 2014
no u
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 3, 2014
When I make jokes like this I'm mean...
said Dec 3, 2014
I like the choice of background and difficulty at the start.
said Dec 3, 2014
Me too, but I didn't realise the other one was there because I naturally went right.

I like the left one more.

Maybe in future put the clearest fog trigger on the right? Or do it like in one of your previous maps where you had a whole tunnel to get Dark Mode that takes longer to get round but saves you time in the end. That one was so cool!
said Dec 3, 2014
I found three different choices for fog triggers, but I prefer the left one the most. The third one can be found after landing in the bottom left on a little block.

This level is difficult, but I like the little gimmick of air juggling a bit while unlocking. Neat idea. I don't mind not seeing anything at the beginning, considering there's no way of dying until you can approach a visible trigger. However, I do like Wazzy's idea of having the most visible trigger on the right (although, as evidenced by Varredor's previous maps, the more visible trigger to him may be the right one...).
Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 3, 2014
It's kinda repetitive but not that bad.  Not awful by any stretch, but too long for anyone to try seriously on.

As for visibility: If you wanted to make a map where the player chooses the fog trigger, why not do so WITHOUT BLINDING THEM FIRST?  Also, there is NO INDICATION WHATSOEVER that picking the fog triggers is even a feature of the map.  Here's an idea for your next map, a fall like this one but make it NORMAL COLORS AND VISIBLE, and then put floating props of various colors you can see as you fall down.  Falling past one of these props activates the fog trigger that matches that color.  Wow, an elegant way to give players the choice without blinding anyone.  Also it will make it clear to the player how the map works, and especially if you mention it in the map tags as well.  I hope someone translates this for you, or helps you out.
edited Dec 3, 2014
said Dec 3, 2014
i open the map, fall down, and then dustforce crashes.


Shin Rekkoha
said Dec 4, 2014
Dunno what happened for you bro?
said Dec 4, 2014
Maybe the new triggers don't play well with the old version of dustforce.

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