visibility is important

by hgt
created Jan 16, 2021
310 views | 339 downloads

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/ 1 vote


said Jan 17, 2021
it is a good
said Jan 17, 2021
Level felt pretty neatfor the most part. If you juggle the enemy and downheavy the prism and enemy you spread dust which i did my first clear. The level could also benifit from a camera showing you the prisms you have to hit and then go back to climb up (3rd and 4th prism). I dashed past them also on my first clear
said Jan 17, 2021
Thanks for the feedback Miles, the intended strat was to either two heavy the enemy and light the second prism, or just dashing off the dustblock to make the enemy fall, though I agree I could have made more changes to minimize spread.

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