Future Problems

by StressfulOne
created 5 days ago
73 views | 2 downloads

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map notes
This level designed around Dustworth(Green old guy).
And also in this level you need to think a bit ahead of what you do and what dust you collect so beware of that as well.
I tried my best to make almost every section open ended so that you can play in different ways

It's a combinations of all the ideas I had for levels or sections into one big level with a semi-sub area that connects them. I don' have much free time so I did my best to polish this but in some parts probably needs a little bit work but I already spend almost a month on this one so I need to release this before I go insane.

I hope it is a worthy map and I hope you enjoy it.
edited 5 days ago


said 5 days ago
Hard map, the length is what makes getting SS difficult. Not a big fan of the upwards parts where all the enemies drop onto you, it's a little too restrictive in terms of timing (camera is a little wonky too) but the other sections do have some cool parts in them.
said 5 days ago
I can see why some people are not fan of upwards sections with dropping enemies however my intention was to change the pace a little bit there. But I understand where you coming from. Also yeah the camera is still my biggest weakness and it shows in this one as well.
Thank you for taking your time to play my level and write a reply. I appreciate it .
edited 5 days ago

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